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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Ross, Lainie
keywords Ethics, Research
overview Carolyn and Matthew Bucksbaum Professor of Clinical Ethics Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, Medicine, Surgery and the College Co-Director, Institute for Translational Medicine Associate Director, MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics University of Chicago My areas of research include: ethical and policy issues in organ transplantation, pediatrics, genetics, and human subjects protections/research ethics. I am currently writing a book on sibling obligations in health care that is funded by the National Library of Medicine. Books Lainie Friedman Ross, Children, Families, and Health Care Decision-Making (Oxford University Press [UK], 1998). Lainie Friedman Ross, Children in Research: Access versus Protection (Oxford University Press [UK], 2006). Robert M Veatch and Lainie F. Ross, Transplantation Ethics, 2nd ed. (Georgetown University Press, 2015). Robert M Veatch and Lainie F Ross, Defining Death: The Case for Choice (Georgetown University Press, 2016) Lainie Friedman Ross and J. Richard Thistlethwaite Jr. The Living Donor as Patient: Theory and Practice (Oxford University Press [US], 2021 in press) AB 1982 Princeton University (School of Public and International Affairs) MD 1986: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Residency (1986-1989): Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (PGY-1 &2) Columbia University (PGY-3) M Phil 1992: Yale University (Philosophy) PhD 1996: Yale University (Philosophy)
Search Criteria
  • Ethics Research